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LEO’s Mental Health in the Workplace monthly webinar series features discussions around the importance of investing in mental health to build stronger, more resilient workplaces.

We often hear of first responders, health care workers or police officers and similar occupations encountering trauma in the workplace in a more obvious and likely way. It’s also important to recognize that trauma can impact workers in any occupation or field at any time. Workplace injuries, accidents, workplace violence, co-worker fatalities or even illnesses, toxic work environments and chronic stress can be a catalyst for trauma. 

This month’s guest is Jennifer Dillon from the Wellness and Resiliency Section at Michigan State Police (MSP). She will highlight the programs MSP has implemented to manage trauma within the workplace and protect the health and safety of workers who experience it. Sean Egan, LEO’s Deputy Director of Labor who leads the state’s workplace mental health initiatives, will moderate.

Thursday, June 15
2:00 p.m.

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