We train and prepare our consumers to seek, obtain and maintain employment. We assist with resumes and job application completion and the development of both interview and job seeking skills.
Over 50% of individuals with disabilities are unemployed. Whether you are new to employment or trying to reenter the job market; the goal can feel daunting. To help, the Disability Network Capital Area offers a range of employment related services ranging from information to targeted job skills training. We work with both adults and students. Services include:
- • Disability awareness and job accommodations
- • Self-advocacy – When you need to disclose a disability
- • Transferable skills
- • Systems navigation
- • Interviewing, job applications, resumes
- • Benefits Planning
- • Assistive Technology
Our Employment and Training Services include job readiness training, soft skills training and advance job club, and classes in transferable skills, communication, and travel training. In addition, we also provide information on how to prepare a resume, for a job interviews and complete online applications. Our partners include Michigan Rehabilitation Services and the Bureau of Services for Blind Persons. Costs range from no charge to fee-for-service.