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Disability Network Wayne County Detroit

Pre-Employment Transitional Services (Youth Training)

We provide services to youth with disabilities to ensure they have access to meaningful career planning opportunities and a seamless transition from high school to employment or post-secondary training.


Pre-Employment Transition Services are an early intervention delivered in a variety of developmentally appropriate experiences with the goal of ultimately leading to competitive, integrated employment outcomes.

This is a great opportunity to ensure students have access to meaningful career planning in order to help with the seamless movement from high school to employment or postsecondary training.


Who is a “Student with a Disability”?
A student with a disability is an individual with a disability in a secondary, postsecondary, or other recognized education program.


What are Pre-Employment Transition Services?The five core services of Pre-ETS are listed, along with examples of those services (pre-ETS is not limited to the examples listed):


1. Job exploration counseling o Discussion of students’ vocational interests

2. Work-based learning experiences

3. Counseling on postsecondary opportunities

4. Workplace readiness training

5. Instruction in self—advocacy

Call Us
(313) 923-1655
for more information.